How We Began
Historic Rock Hill was founded more than thirty years ago as the volunteer organization The Midtown Preservation Society. Today, we are still in the business of preservation, but as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We work to preserve not only the buildings in Rock Hill, but the stories of Rock Hill. Our passion lies in ensuring that ALL stories are told and preserved, even the stories that are sometimes difficult to tell.
Historic Rock Hill owns the Historic White Home which acts as a community and events venue as well as a historical site that tells the story of the White family and their growth alongside the city of Rock Hill.
What started as a one-room cabin on the lands of the Catawba Indian Nation grew to the large Reconstruction Era home you see today. From family farm to boarding house to stately home, the White Home has stood firm as Rock Hill has grown up around it. The woman who built the house, Ann White, wielded her influence in the growing town, bringing a school to the area, as well as donating land for use for the First Presbyterian Church.
Tours of the historic home show how this simple farmhouse has stood the test of time. HRH helps tell the story of the men who built the home, the woman who independently raised her family and ran a successful business, and the town that has grown into the thriving community we live in today. Through education, programs, and exhibits, Historic Rock Hill makes history come to life while guided tours of the home connect visitors to this unique history.

Experience history.
Join us for a self-guided tour of the White Home.